Craigslist Dogs For Trade I don't advocate buying, selling, or trading animals on craigslist. I'm just giving examples of the many sad and extreme examples of real ads that are out there. Many of the ads are backyard breeders continually looking to … [Read more...]
Craigslist Dogs 2 – More Dogs For Trade
More Dogs For Trade on Craigslist I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This is how we use the great networking tool known as craigslist, to trade our dogs for gaming systems and younger or prettier dogs. Perhaps this is part of the reason we have … [Read more...]
Craigslist Dog Ads: Buyer Beware
Alabama Craigslist Dog Ads - Buyer Beware Craigslist is where people trade video games for old appliances. It's the place you go when you need to make a few extra bucks so you decide to go over to that guys house for $50 so he can watch you eat eggs … [Read more...]