Roundup 70: Favorite Dog Articles & Videos of the Week
From how writing a book about Pit Bulls led to death threats to figuring out what’s behind a dogs amazing sense of smell, here’s some of my favorite dog articles of the week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Favorite Dog Articles of the Week
How Writing About Pit Bulls Led to Death Threats, Online & IRL
Fascinating look at one author’s journey while writing & publishing a book about Pit Bulls. The book deals with the dramatic shift in attitude that’s surrounded them over the past century, and from some of the reactions it’s clear that this topic riles up a lot of strong opinions.
Being Open-Minded About Training
Have you ever found yourself being accused of being close minded for recommending positive reinforcement simply because “every dog is different?” If so you’ll love this article that goes into why accusing someone of being close minded is a non-argument that skirts the issue at hand.
What to Do if Your Dog is Losing His Hearing
Great article with a lot of tips on how to communicate non-verbally with your dog and why it’s a great idea to teach all dog some basic hand signals.
Can Clinical Trials on Dogs & Cats Help People?
Interesting look at clinical trials on pets and whether or not they’ll prove beneficial to human health, or whether they’ll just help come up with better treatments for dogs & cats.
15 Ways to Celebrate Your Dogs Birthday
Not sure what to do for your dogs gotcha day? Here’s a great list of 15 cute & practical ways to celebrate your dogs birthday. Sugar (the dog behind the blog) just celebrated her 15th birthday, so if you haven’t wished her a happy one yet head on over.
Inside the Extraordinary Nose of a Search & Rescue Dog
Detailed look at how amazing your dogs nose is, and how far we really are from completely understanding it.
“Your sense of smell is a huge — one of your five senses, yet we don’t understand how the brain does it,” Jacobs said. Consider, she said, the act of smelling coffee. Scientists know the first step (the coffee scent drifts into the nose and activates smell neurons) and the last step (brain thinks coffee) — but much of what’s in between is a black box.
Favorite Dog Videos of the Week
Very touching rescue from Hope for Paws.
Oh my gosh. That article about the pitbull book. Unbelievable. I’m reading her book now. It’s so well done!