Roundup 63: Favorite Dog Articles & Videos of the Week
From discovering how diabetic alert dogs detect hypoglycemia to open letter to those of us who have loved a senior pet, here are some of my favorite dog articles of the week.
Favorite Dog Articles of the Week
Diabetes Sniffer Dogs? ‘Scent’ of Hypos Could Aid Development of New Tests
New research suggests that a chemical in our breath is what gives diabetic alert dogs the ability to warn us about dangerously low blood sugar levels in patients with type 1 diabetes.
This is Your Dogs Brain on Cheese
Great (and fun) way to think about using food in training, especially when training behaviors such as recall that require extra motivation.
Does Ignoring Bad Behavior Really Work?
Great explanation about the common misconception that positive training just ignores bad behaviors, and why failing to reinforce is not the same thing as ignoring.
Scientific Studies & Socialization: Quality & Size of the Sample Matter
Great article that looks at how behaviorists often ignore one of the most important aspects of socialization: keeping the interactions positive.
The Separation Anxiety Top 10 List
If your dog suffers from separation anxiety you’re not alone, and there is hope. Here’s 10 principles to keep in mind that will help you manage it.
An Open Letter to the Parent of a Senior Pet
Beautiful open letter to anyone that’s loved a senior pet, and the importance of remembering that it all boils down to love & care.
Favorite Dog Videos of the Week
Before & after adoption photos.
Remind me not to teach Laika the “push it” cue. (I’m really tempted now)
Great roundup. While I didn’t read them all, I did enjoy the one on Senior pets and got some new insights from the one on separation anxiety.