Roundup 61: Favorite Dog Articles & Videos of the Week
If you’re wondering why Laika looks so bewildered (and a little bit frothy) in the image above it’s because she got a brand new toy this week.
For some reason at my local grocery store they an end cap full of bubble making machines. Before I realized what I had done one of them was in my cart. I should remind you that I live in a pretty rural area, so my idea of excitement (bubbles) may vary from your own.

It’s like my grocery store really knows me and my weakness for anything bubble related…
For some inexplicable reason Laika can still chase bubbles without issue, even with her arthritis. Usually we play indoors because the carpet keeps it lower impact, but this week I wanted to try an outdoor bubble adventure.
So far so good. She hasn’t shown any signs of pain or lameness. But I did have to put it out in the garage after she started staring & whining at it all day.
Enough about bubbles, let’s move onto what you’re actually here for – a collection of awesome dog stories from the past week. From revisiting the alpha dog theory to a new non invasive spay/netuer technique, these are my favorite dog articles of the week.
Favorite Dog Articles of the Week
A Change in Perspective (There’s Nothing Wrong With Phoenix)
This post really hits home for me. We use the term “reactive dog” all the time, but once you sit back & analyze the behavior maybe it’s not so wrong and/or abnormal after all.
Alpha Dogs & Pack Mentality – Revisited
Interesting & thought provoking way to look at the terms alpha & pack mentality and what they mean for the relationships we have with our dogs. For me this is a new way to view pack mentality which doesn’t immediately bring up thoughts of old school style discipline training.
5 Reasons I Hate Potty Pads, But If You Have to Teach Your Dog to Go Indoors Here’s How
I get a lot of e-mails asking to pimp out puppy pads (no doubt because of the name Puppy Leaks). I’ve never liked the idea of using them, it seems like they just add an extra step to potty training & a lot of confusion. Here’s a great article that articulates the issues with them much better than I could.
Too Smart to Eat Out of a Bowl
Feeding devices (treat dispensers) are a simple way to give your dog some extra enrichment during the day. And the best part? You can make your own with some pvc pipe or a milk jug.
Non-Invasive Spay/Neuter Technique Could Benefit Pet Welfare
Millions of animals are euthanized each year, and one of the best way to help combat that problem is by spaying & neutering. New research grant that aims to develop a non-surgical method to sterilize pets.
Favorite Dog Video of the Week
“Pizza Crust Zoomies” 🙂
Haha! I love the video of Laika with the bubbles. We haven’t had bubbles for Haley in a while, so I’m going to have to get some since her knee has healed nicely. We found some edible dog bubbles a long time ago but I can’t remember where we bought them. They were nice because they wouldn’t pop right away when they landed on something…lots of fun, lol!
Thanks so much for including my article this week! It’s always an honor. ????
Laika is too cute! I need to get one of those for my dogs! 😀
Thank so much for featuring my post! That one was something I’ve had in my head for a while since I started my new job and have been working with a trainer who has 10 years of experience working with “reactivity”. She’s been teaching me so much! It’s nice to know that my dog is pretty normal and not bad or aggressive. 🙂
great round up! I loved the non-invasive spay/neuter post and was thrilled to note, they are not testing on animals. I wish I could find a easy exercise for Sampson (besides walking) he’s put on a bit of weight since his injury.