Michigan Lost & Found Pet Resources
The internet is a great tool for networking lost & found pets, but trying to filter through all the sites is overwhelming. If you’ve lost a pet in Michigan this list of groups and sites can help get you started. Here’s a comprehensive list of Michigan lost & found pet resources.
Quick Reminder About Finding Lost Pets: If you’ve lost your pet the first thing you’ll want to do is start with your local animal shelter or animal control facility. In Michigan, pets that have some form of ID, including tags or a microchip, are held for a week. Animals without ID are to be held for 4 days.
Be sure to have someone check these facilities in person rather than call — with all the dogs & cats coming in it’s easy for shelter workers to miss something when you make a call.
Michigan Lost & Found Pet Facebook Pages
If you’re missing a pet the first page you should visit is the For The Love of Louie facebook page. With over 185,000 members it’s the most active Michigan lost & found pets group by far. It’s ran by a group of volunteers and it’s updated multiple times a day.
Here’s a list of the most popular Michigan lost & found pet facebook groups.
For the Love of Louie – For The Love of Louie: Michigan Lost Pet Lookers
Michigan Found Strays – Michigan Found Strays & Owner Unclaimed Dogs in Shelters
Mid-Michigan Missing Pets Network – MidMichigan Missing Pets Network
Lost & Found Pets Around Monroe County – Lost & Found Monroe County Pets
Lost & Found Pets Lansing – Lost & Found Pet Connection Lansing
Michigan Lost & Found Pet Exchange Group – Michigan Lost & Found Pet Exchange
Lost & Found Dogs, MI – Lost & Found Dogs in Michigan
Lost & Found Pets of Isabella County – Lost & Found Pets Isabella County
Lost & Found Pets Eaton County – Eaton County Lost & Found Pets
Lost & Found Pets Upper Peninsula – Lost & Found Paws of the U.P.
There are more groups than this, these are just the most active ones that have at least 500 members. So if you’ve lost or found a pet go on Facebook and check to see if your city or county has a lost & pet group of their own.
Michigan Craigslist Lost & Found (be sure to check the Pets section as well)
If your pet goes missing you’re also going to want to check the local craigslist lost & found listings. Here’s the direct link to the lost & found sections for Michigan.
Battle Creek – http://battlecreek.craigslist.org/laf/
Central Michigan – http://centralmich.craigslist.org/laf/
Detroit – http://detroit.craigslist.org/laf/
Flint – http://flint.craigslist.org/laf/
Grand Rapids – http://grandrapids.craigslist.org/laf/
Holland – http://holland.craigslist.org/laf/
Jackson – http://jxn.craigslist.org/laf/
Kalamazoo – http://kalamazoo.craigslist.org/laf/
Lansing – http://lansing.craigslist.org/laf/
Monroe – http://monroemi.craigslist.org/laf/
Muskegon – http://muskegon.craigslist.org/laf/
Northern Michigan – http://nmi.craigslist.org/laf/
Port Huron – http://porthuron.craigslist.org/laf/
Saginaw – http://saginaw.craigslist.org/laf/
Southwest Michigan – http://swmi.craigslist.org/laf/
The Thumb – http://thumb.craigslist.org/laf/
Upper Peninsula – http://up.craigslist.org/laf/
Check the Craigslist Pets Section
Many lost & found pets end up in the “pets” section rather than lost & found. After checking the lost & found section navigate your way back to the “pets” section.

After searching the lost & found section of craigslist click these two links to check the pet section as well
Michigan Shelter Ran Lost & Found Sites
These are listings dedicated to lost & found pets ran by Michigan animal shelters, separate from their listings of adoptable animals.
Michigan Humane Society Lost & Found
Livingston County Lost & Found
Kalamazoo County Lost & Found Pets
Lenawee County Lost & Found Animals
Ingham County Lost & Found Animals
City of Warren Lost & Found
Oceana County Lost & Found
Eaton County Animals
Luce County Lost & Found
Charlevoix Lost & Found Pets
Many other shelters throughout the state have similar services, and some even list their stray intakes on their facebook pages. Find out which animal shelters are near you and be sure to visit them in person to check for your lost pet.
Michigan Animal Shelters & Humane Societies
If you lose your pet be sure to check with your local animal shelters & humane societies.
Oakland County Animal Shelter (view stray dogs & cats)
Macomb County Animal Shelter
Livingston County Animal Control (view strays)
Humane Society of Huron Valley (view strays)
Al-Van Humane Society
Barry County Humane Society
Blue Water Area Humane Society (St Clair County)
Capital Area Humane Society
Cascades Humane Society
Charlevoix Humane Society
Cheboygan County Humane Society
Cherryland Humane Society (Traverse City)
Copper County Humane Society
Delta Animal Shelter
Greater Hillsdale Humane Society
Harbor Humane Society
Muskegon Humane Society
Bay County Humane Society
Branch County Humane Society
Genesee Humane Society
Humane Society of West Michigan
Livingston County Humane Society
Midland County Humane Society
Monroe County Humane Society
Humane Society of South Central Michigan
Humane Society of Southwestern Michigan
Huron Humane Society (Alpena)
Ionia County Animal Shelter
Iosco County Animal Shelter
Lenawee Humane Society
Little Traverse Bay Humane Society
Humane Society of Macomb
Manistee County Humane Society
Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Shelter
Michigan Anti-Cruelty Society
Alcona Humane Society
Allegan County Animal Shelter
Huron Humane Society
Elk County Animal Shelter
Bay County Animal Control
Mecosta County Animal Control
Downriver Animal Control
Cass County Animal Control
General Lost & Found Sites
These are the most active lost & found pet websites for Michigan residents. I don’t have any personal experience working with them as far as posting listings goes, but they do each have a searchable database.
Lost My Doggie
Pet Alert Service
Pet Amber Alert
Lost Dog Database
Michigan Pet Lost & Found
Free Lost Dog Ads
America’s National Lost & Found Pet Database
Lost Pet USA
Additions or Updates to the List
Did I miss any Michigan lost & found pet resources? You can help keep this list updated by sending me any additions or updates.
My name is Cindy Larsen and I started Eaton County Lost and Found Pets on December 6, 2015. In less than a year we have grown to over 4,000 members. I am very happy to be a part of reuniting the voiceless with their owner.
PawBoost app
Finding Rover app
NextDoor app
Please add “Lost & Found Paws of the U.P.” (https://www.facebook.com/punchke5/) to your list. We have over 16,000 followers and cover all counties in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, plus nearby counties. Our volunteers check the Upper Peninsula animal shelters daily for stray posts and share those, along with sharing posts sent in by our followers. The page, started in 2011, has come to be a wonderful resource for pet owners in the area.