Family Creates Bucket List For Dog
Family Creates Bucket List For Dog With Cancer

Marsha & Judy Jaros
A Littleton Colorado family has created a ‘bucket list’ for their beloved dog Marsha; a 5-year-old American bulldog mix that has been diagnosed with stage 3 skin cancer.
Judy Jaros adopted Marsha from the Humane Society of the South Platte Valley where she volunteers as a dog walker. Marsha had been in the shelter for over 6 months recovering from previous injuries. She had been running wild for a long time and had given birth to numerous litters. When she originally entered the animal shelter she was treated for an infection, broken toe, and a bullet in her elbow.
Jaros fell in love with Marsha and after many months of bonding with her Jaros decided to adopt her. On the day Jaros and her husband adopted Marsha they learned about the skin cancer diagnosis. “Her prognosis isn’t good, but we just decided she doesn’t have an expiration date,” Jaros told USA Today.
Instead of giving up they’ve created a bucket list for Marsha, making each of her days a gift filled with new adventures. The family has been taking her hiking, camping, and fishing.
“She had a really hard life. She deserves a chance,” said Jaros as Marsha chased a mouse in a field. “And yeah, it might break the bank, but it’s money. Whatever. She’s brought us more joy, she’s just priceless to us, so it was worth it.”
Hi Y’all!
Thanks for stoppin’ to visit. I get so sad when a doggie is diagnosed with a nasty disease like cancer ’cause we don’t understand why we don’t feel well and why we keep going to the vet.
Y’all hurry back now,
Hawk aka BrownDog