500 Dog Names That Start With B
Need some name ideas for your new dog? Looking for a fun and cute name for your new puppy? You’ve come to the right place.
There’s nothing quite like the excitement of getting a new dog, but there is one step that I always struggle with — picking out the perfect name. Most of us look for a dog name that sounds good, one that fits their personality, and one that’s not too long or hard to pronounce. And perhaps the toughest part of all — finding a name the whole family will agree on. Finding one name that fits all those criteria? It can be quite a challenge.
And the best way I’ve found to help narrow down the search is to start by browsing dog & baby name lists for inspiration. For me at least it’s much easier than just coming up with a bunch of name ideas on the spot. So to help you out I put together a list of 500 dog names that start with B.
This list has popular male and female dog names (as well as plenty of unique names) and should give you plenty of inspiration to help you get started in picking out the perfect name for your dog. From Babs to Buzz, here’s 500 dog names that start with the letter B.
500 Dog Names That Start With B
Female Dog Names | Male Dog Names |
Baba | Babak |
Babbie | Babar |
Babe | Babu |
Babette | Baby |
Babs | Bach |
Baby | Bacon |
Bahar | Bade |
Bahija | Baden |
Baila | Bader |
Bailey | Badi |
Bailie | Badu |
Baize | Bagel |
Baja | Baha |
Bali | Bahir |
Balia | Bai |
Baljit | Bailey |
Ballia | Bain |
Balu | Baird |
Bama | Baja |
Bambi | Bajir |
Banji | Bakari |
Banjo | Baker |
Banka | Baldo |
Bara | Baldur |
Barah | Baldwin |
Barbara | Bale |
Barbie | Bali |
Barbro | Balin |
Barco | Baloo |
Barri | Balthazar |
Basia | Balto |
Basil | Bam Bam |
Basja | Bama |
Batia | Bamba |
Batilda | Bandit |
Bayla | Bandos |
Baylin | Bane |
Baylor | Banjo |
Bazilla | Banks |
Bea | Bannon |
Bean | Baptiste |
Beans | Barclay |
Beatrix | Bard |
Beauty | Bardo |
Bebbe | Bardot |
Bebe | Baret |
Becca | Bari |
Becky | Baris |
Bedelia | Barker |
Bee | Barkley |
Beeatrix | Barley |
Beebee | Barna |
Beeja | Barnes |
Beezus | Barney |
Behira | Baron |
Bejita | Barnik |
Beksa | Barry |
Bel | Bart |
Belah | Bartek |
Belem | Bartok |
Belen | Bas |
Belia | Basek |
Belin | Bash |
Belita | Bashir |
Bell | Basil |
Bella | Basim |
Bella Rose | Bartholomew |
Belle | Batson |
Bellona | Batu |
Belva | Bauer |
Benicia | Bavari |
Benita | Baxter |
Benja | Baya |
Benji | Bayne |
Benna | Bazil |
Bennie | Beaker |
Bentley | Beal |
Beret | Beamer |
Berkley | Beamon |
Berlin | Bean |
Bernadette | Beans |
Bernadine | Bear |
Berni | Beard |
Bernice | Beardsley |
Berry | Beast |
Bertha | Beau |
Bertie | Beauregard |
Bertille | Beck |
Bertina | Becker |
Bertine | Beckham |
Beryl | Becks |
Bessa | Bee |
Bessie | Beethoven |
Bessy | Beetle |
Bet | Bejit |
Beta | Bela |
Beth | Bellamy |
Bethel | Bello |
Bethelle | Belton |
Bethia | Ben |
Betia | Bence |
Bets | Benicio |
Betsy | Benito |
Betta | Benjamin |
Bettie | Benjen |
Betty | Benji |
Bev | Bennett |
Beverly | Benny |
Bevie | Beno |
Bevvy | Benoit |
Beyza | Benson |
Bhamini | Bentley |
Bia | Benton |
Bianca | Beowolf |
Bibi | Beren |
Bice | Berlin |
Biddie | Bernard |
Biddy | Bernie |
Bijou | Bernon |
Billie | Berry |
Billie Jo | Bert |
Bina | Beto |
Bindi | Bevan |
Binky | Bevis |
Bird | Biddy |
Birdie | Bien |
Birdine | Biggie |
Birna | Biggy |
Birta | Bijan |
Biscuit | Bilbo |
Bit | Bill |
Biti | Billy |
Bits | Bimo |
Bitsy | Bin |
Bitta | Bing |
Bitty | Bingo |
Bixby | Binkie |
Biz | Binx |
Bizzy | Birch |
Blair | Birdie |
Blaire | Birju |
Blaise | Biscuit |
Blake | Bishop |
Blakely | Bismark |
Blanca | Bitsy |
Blanch | Bitty |
Blanche | Bixby |
Blasia | Bjorn |
Blaze | Blaine |
Blessy | Blair |
Blimah | Blake |
Bliss | Blaze |
Blondie | Blitz |
Bloom | Blu |
Blossom | Blue |
Blue | Bo |
Blueberry | Bob |
Bluesy | Bobby |
Bluma | Boden |
Bly | Bodhi |
Blythe | Bogart |
Bobbi | Boget |
Bobi | Bojan |
Bobijo | Bolt |
Bobina | Bond |
Bobine | Bones |
Boca | Bongo |
Bodhi | Boo |
Bogie | Boo Boo |
Bojana | Boogie |
Bok | Booker |
Bolina | Boomer |
Bolt | Boone |
Bona | Boots |
Bonita | Bopper |
Bonnie | Bora |
Bonny | Borg |
Boots | Boril |
Bootsie | Boris |
Bora | Boromir |
Borka | Bosco |
Boston | Bosley |
Bowie | Boso |
Bracha | Boss |
Bradi | Boston |
Bralia | Bourbon |
Brandi | Bowden |
Brandy | Bowie |
Brave | Bowser |
Brayli | Boyd |
Bre | Boz |
Bree | Bradley |
Breena | Brady |
Breeze | Bragi |
Breezy | Bran |
Breigh | Brando |
Brelan | Braun |
Bren | Brave |
Brenley | Bravo |
Brenna | Brawn |
Brett | Braylen |
Bretta | Brayson |
Bria | Brazen |
Briah | Breckin |
Briane | Bren |
Brianna | Brenden |
Briar | Brenner |
Bricia | Brent |
Brida | Brenton |
Bridey | Brett |
Bridget | Brewster |
Bridgit | Brian |
Brie | Brice |
Brielle | Brick |
Briette | Brigg |
Brijet | Briggs |
Brin | Brinden |
Brina | Brinkley |
Brinley | Brock |
Brio | Brody |
Brione | Brogan |
Brisha | Bronco |
Bristol | Bronson |
Brit | Bronx |
Brtia | Brooklyn |
Brite | Brownie |
Brites | Bruce |
Brittany | Bruiser |
Brixie | Bruno |
Brizzy | Brutus |
Brody | Bryant |
Brogan | Bubba |
Bronny | Bubbles |
Brooke | Buck |
Brookie | Buckley |
Brooklyn | Bucky |
Brownie | Buddha |
Bruna | Buddy |
Brunhilda | Buggy |
Brya | Bullet |
Bryce | Bumble |
Bryn | Bunny |
Bubbles | Burrell |
Buffy | Burton |
Bug | Buster |
Bula | Butch |
Bunny | Butters |
Burcu | Buttons |
Buttercup | Buxley |
Byla | Buzz |
How Did You Choose Your Dogs Name?
How did you end up picking your dogs name? Do you do what I do, and use dog name lists for inspiration? What are your favorite names from the list above? Did I miss any of your favorite names that start with B? Let me know in the comments below.
Recommended Reading
If you’re looking for more dog name ideas be sure to check out the following lists for inspiration:
- 500 Popular Dog Names
- 500 Old Fashioned Dog Names
- 500 Cute Puppy Names
- 100 Popular Male & Female Dog Names

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This is really an informative and interesting blog. I loved it and also looking for some more from you in future. I have also purchased some accessories, i hope you will love them. I am sharing site link with you.
What did you name your dog?
This is such a comprehensive list! I remember struggling to pick a name for my pup! It was such a difficult task. A list like this would have been so helpful. Going to save this for our next furry friend! Thanks for sharing!
Great post haha! I have to say that naming dogs is ridiculously hard! There are so many things to take into consideration! For example, I speak three languages, so I have this thing where I need my own dogs to have names that sound more or less the same in all three, or that at least work in all three languages! Sure makes it hard sometimes!! 😉 Great post.
I have a dog his name is Bula
I have a dog named Bella and I’m planning to get another dog because our dog Rusty died. I’m possibly going to name him Rusty’s original name Baker, or maybe Bella’s middle name Blu. He’s going to be a Weimaraner like Bella is.
I love Balthazar
Awe pet dog names lists. It will really helpful for first time owners for naming their pup.
I have a 3 year old. She loves to play with dogs. That’s why I collected the life of a dog and named it ‘Bayla’.
I will be glad if Some Indian Dog names can be added.
In India, Hindi language is widely spoken.
Mine is a Shish Tzu and we named him bear!
I love the name Bloom. It will really helpful for first time owners for naming their lovely PuP.
I name my dog Bacon 😀 since he looks exactly like one
Thank you for the very helpful article, I decided to name my dog is Boston
How’s the name Buck?, i love this name!
Good ideas if you want to name your dog to someone with B letter!
This helped me a lot, I’ve been trying to pick a name for my dog for way too long.
Bernard is my favorite!!
Dog names are a dime a dozen. Nevertheless, many dog owners initially find it difficult to choose a suitable name for their four-legged friend. It is right and important to think about the choice of name and not to make this important decision spontaneously, but rather carefully considered. Last but not least, the name is also an important command that the dog should listen to. Thanks for this dog names list.
My best bet is always Buggy, it reminds me of a One Piece character, which I hope would translate to a quirky fun dog haha