500 Unique Dog Names
One of the most important steps when getting a new dog is choosing the right name. As easy as it may sound, the process can be a bit overwhelming.
Your dog is going to be your best friend for years, so there’s a lot of pressure to pick the right name. You want a name that sounds good, one that fits your dog’s personality, and one that the whole family can agree on.
So if you’re looking for a unique dog name for your new best friend you’ve come to the right place. To help you out I’ve put together a list of rare and standout dog names to get you started. From Abbott to Zuzu, here’s 5oo unique dog names.
500 Unique Dog Names
- Abbott
- Abilene
- Achilles
- Addie
- Adley
- Agatha
- Aggie
- Ainsley
- Aisha
- Aja
- Ajax
- Aki
- Akito
- Alba
- Albert
- Albi
- Alden
- Alfie
- Alina
- Alma
- Alta
- Alva
- Amata
- Amaya
- Amir
- Amoret
- Amos
- Anders
- Andy
- Angus
- Anise
- Apple
- Argo
- Aries
- Asher
- Aster
- Atlanta
- Atlas
- Atom
- Atticus
- Audi
- August
- Avi
- Axel
- Axton
- Badger
- Bali
- Baltar
- Banks
- Baxter
- Baylor
- Bea
- Beatrix
- Beck
- Beckett
- Beef
- Belka
- Bertha
- Beta
- Bev
- Bexley
- Birch
- Birdie
- Biscuit
- Bishop
- Bixby
- Bjorn
- Blue
- Blythe
- Bobo
- Bodie
- Bongo
- Booker
- Boris
- Bowie
- Bradford
- Brantley
- Brazil
- Briar
- Brie
- Briggs
- Brioche
- Britta
- Brock
- Brooklyn
- Brutus
- Bryce
- Bubs
- Burda
- Butters
- Byron
- Cairo
- Calista
- Calvin
- Caper
- Cargo
- Carter
- Casen
- Caspian
- Cedric
- Chaos
- Cheddar
- Chex
- Chorizo
- Chubs
- Churro
- Cicero
- Cillian
- Cinder
- Clarence
- Clarice
- Clark
- Clayton
- Clementine
- Cletus
- Coleman
- Colson
- Coral
- Cordelia
- Cosette
- Cricket
- Crosby
- Cypress
- Cyrus
- Dalton
- Dane
- Dani
- Danica
- Darby
- Darcy
- Daria
- Darwin
- Davie
- Davina
- Dayton
- Delia
- Delilah
- Delta
- Denzel
- Dewey
- Dibs
- Diego
- Dion
- Dixie
- Dixon
- Donte
- Dori
- Dorian
- Dougie
- Dozer
- Dublin
- Durbin
- Dusty
- Easton
- Eden
- Effie
- Egypt
- Ellison
- Eloise
- Ember
- Emerson
- Emery
- Emil
- Emmett
- Emory
- Ender
- Enya
- Enzo
- Esme
- Esti
- Etta
- Everest
- Evie
- Ezra
- Fanny
- Farley
- Faye
- Fern
- Ferris
- Figaro
- Filip
- Fiona
- Fisher
- Fletch
- Flint
- Flora
- Florence
- Flynn
- Franny
- Fraser
- Gage
- Gaia
- Gannon
- Gemma
- Genesis
- Gerard
- Gia
- Gilda
- Gillian
- Goose
- Gracie
- Grady
- Gunner
- Gus
- Hamish
- Harper
- Hattie
- Haven
- Hazel
- Henry
- Hera
- Herc
- Herman
- Heron
- Hester
- Hiram
- Holden
- Hooch
- Hops
- Horace
- Huck
- Ike
- Imogen
- Ina
- India
- Indigo
- Ingrid
- Inky
- Ira
- Iris
- Ishani
- Iva
- Jabari
- Jada
- Jagger
- Jaxon
- Jelly
- Jermaine
- Jerry
- Jett
- Jiro
- Jobie
- Jojo
- Jolene
- Josie
- Judith
- Juju
- Junie
- Justine
- Kai
- Katya
- Kayden
- Keaton
- Keats
- Keegan
- Kenzie
- Kev
- Kia
- Kiba
- Kinsley
- Kipper
- Kit
- Kito
- Kiva
- Klaus
- Kojo
- Kori
- Kylen
- Laika
- Laird
- Lamb
- Laney
- Lars
- Layla
- Ledger
- Lennox
- Leona
- Leopold
- Lia
- Libby
- Lincoln
- Lionel
- Liv
- Lizbeth
- Loretta
- Lottie
- Lotus
- Lucian
- Luella
- Lula
- Lux
- Lyra
- Mable
- Maddox
- Magnus
- Maisha
- Maisie
- Major
- Marbles
- Mariko
- Marla
- Marlow
- Marnie
- Matilda
- Matteo
- Maude
- Maverick
- Mavis
- Mayim
- Mel
- Mercy
- Merrick
- Midge
- Milan
- Milena
- Miles
- Millie
- Milo
- Mimi
- Mina
- Miriam
- Misha
- Mochi
- Mojo
- Monet
- Moon
- Mya
- Myra
- Nana
- Nash
- Nathan
- Nelson
- Neo
- Neptune
- Nessie
- Neveah
- Nicola
- Nikko
- Noa
- Nola
- Noodle
- Noor
- Nora
- Nova
- Oakley
- Odette
- Olina
- Ollie
- Omar
- Opal
- Ophelia
- Opie
- Orville
- Otis
- Otto
- Ozzy
- Paisley
- Palmer
- Paloma
- Panda
- Parker
- Parm
- Pascal
- Pax
- Paxton
- Pea
- Pearl
- Pearson
- Pedro
- Penny
- Phineas
- Pickles
- Piper
- Pita
- Poe
- Polly
- Pookie
- Poppy
- Porter
- Portia
- Quiche
- Quill
- Quinten
- Rafael
- Ramon
- Ramsey
- Raven
- Ravioli
- Reed
- Remus
- Reuben
- Rhea
- Rhett
- Rico
- Rio
- Rolo
- Roman
- Roo
- Rory
- Roscoe
- Rowan
- Rudy
- Rue
- Rufio
- Rufus
- Ruthie
- Rya
- Ryder
- Ryker
- Saber
- Saffron
- Sage
- Samir
- Sanford
- Sarge
- Saturn
- Sawyer
- Selene
- Sergio
- Shelton
- Silas
- Sinead
- Sir
- Slade
- Slaw
- Soba
- Soju
- Soren
- Steak
- Stella
- Stevie
- Stromboli
- Suki
- Suri
- Sylvie
- Tabby
- Taco
- Tahoe
- Tank
- Tanner
- Tasmin
- Tater
- Teo
- Tiberius
- Tilly
- Timber
- Tito
- Tonka
- Toshi
- Trey
- Trip
- Tristan
- Trixie
- Tucker
- Tulip
- Turkey
- Uma
- Ursa
- Vaden
- Vader
- Veda
- Venzio
- Vera
- Vienna
- Viggo
- Vinnie
- Virgil
- Virgo
- Vita
- Viv
- Vivica
- Vixen
- Waffles
- Wanda
- Wesson
- Whitley
- Willis
- Willow
- Winslow
- Winter
- Wonton
- Wren
- Wyatt
- Wylie
- Yeti
- Yoshi
- Yousef
- Yvette
- Zahara
- Zane
- Zayd
- Zelda
- Zena
- Zephyr
- Zia
- Zippy
- Zola
- Zoro
- Zuma
- Zuri
- Zuzu
What Are Some of Your Favorite Dog Names?
What are your favorite dog names? How did you come up with your current dog’s name? Did I forget to include any great unique names in the list? Let me know in the comments below.
Want More Dog Name Ideas?
If you’re looking for more dog name ideas be sure to check out the following:

Please share with your friends 🙂
What a great list of dog names. So comprehensive. I got some great ideas for our new puppy.